Hardware Asset Management

Image of Handsome Dan on bench.


Hardware Asset Management (HAM) is now available as a pilot program within the Yale ITS organization. The program supports Yale IT in enhancing solutions that improve the ordering and lifecycle tracking of all computers. HAM optimizes the overall process and provides a clear understanding of assets used throughout Yale. The primary goal of the HAM initiative is to offer clear visibility into every stage of an asset’s lifecycle - from purchase to retirement.

Who Does this Benefit?

The HAM program benefits groups who supports the delivery and administration of Yale computers, such as the ITS business office, IT Support Services, and hardware asset coordinators. New reporting features will also be available to those who have the responsibility of ordering computers throughout the campus.

How Will It Benefit?

The HAM program can deliver many benefits to the Yale community, for example:

  • Simplified accessibility to run business reports for computer assets.
  • A user-friendly and automated ordering process.
  • Allow for more accurate forecasting of the hardware spend for the department annually.
  • Increases visibility to various computing platforms - including laptops, desktops, and workstations.
  • Optional consultation with ITS for specialized computer requests.